It’s not likely that with no thought, and no preparation, you’ll stroll on over to my studio and stumble yourself into a fantastic session. Of course not. You plan outfits, you plan the day, but there is a lot more YOU can do before and during the session to help it be successful. Some tips you might think are completely obvious, but some might be new ideas to you!
14 Tips for a successful photo shoot:
For Kids
ONE | Avoid giving kids sugar of any kind prior to the session.
TWO |If you can help it, opt for not shooting right after school or day care. Their busy day has a way of siphoning every last drop of cooperative attitude they have.
THREE | During the session avoid using food, candy, or a cell phone as a way of baiting our model into cooperation. I want to save those as a last resort. Reason being, if we reach for those tools first, we may never pry them out of their hands.
FOUR | In my own home, I find it very beneficial to give my daughter a detailed heads up as to what is getting ready to happen. For example, “We’re going to have fun at Robin’s studio for an hour or so. We’re going to change our outfits a couple times, and when we’re done we’ll have a snack, and play outside on the swings for a few minutes. Let’s make sure to cooperate the whole time and look forward to our treats after we’ve had a great session!” …Something like that. It seems small, and even over their head a bit, but personally, I regret every time I take my girls someplace and forget to go over what I expect of them!
FIVE | Don’t practice smiling. Anyone knows FAKE from a mile away. Especially you with your own children. It would be unprofessional of me to rely on a kid’s ability to ‘say cheese’. Instead we take our time and act goofy together. Kids react genuinely to mom, dad, nana, and me acting like idiots! 😆
SIX | Think about what your kid likes… favorite songs, a silly teacher at school, a favorite friend, a silly song daddy sings, a weird dance mommy dances, being tickled, favorite books… and so on. Talking about these are great ways to light your kid’s face up! I say think about this NOW, because sometimes I ask mom in the moment what kiddo’s favorite song is, and she freezes! (I would too.)

For the record, this mom and dad (some of the coolest people on earth) did not fill their kid with sugar, this is just a hilarious shot that illustrates the topic
For Babis and Kids
SEVEN | If your kiddo is sick, reschedule for when they’re healthy. Even if they’re not contagious, sick kids don’t have the endurance to get through a fun session.
EIGHT | Generally speaking, it’s helpful to bring the children already dressed in their first outfit. This way we’re not spending the good mood window on changing clothes any more than we have to. There are obvious exceptions of course.
NINE | Bring some favorite snacks for break time, which is usually clothing change time. This serves as a mental break for them and us, so don’t rush it. If you’re stressed, don’t be, or certainly don’t show it to your kiddo.
TEN | Bring some of their favorite books, lovies, toys… whether they’re props or not. Pack them in a concealed bag so kiddo isn’t aware they’re even in the building. IF we choose to get something out, we can do so right when our model is in position, and I’m ready to shoot!
For Baby
ELEVEN | Schedule the session for when your baby is well rested and well fed. Right after morning nap is usually a successful time for most babies. Feel free to feed (or at least top off) your baby when you arrive at the studio if you have much a drive to get here. And keep in mind that when you choose a time to schedule, babies expend lots of energy in photography sessions, so nap time is usually moved up to right after the session.
TWELVE | During the session we all will need to avoid ‘going crazy’ as a way of capturing baby’s attention. When we are constantly shouting, ratting toys, calling kid’s name, and otherwise being loud, it is inevitable that they’ll reach their mental capacity and melt down or tune us out. I find it very helpful to keep the session pretty low key, and strategically change up entertainment as needed.
THIRTEEN | If your baby just loves nana, by all means, bring her! At the same time if baby is so clingy to nana that she won’t leave nana’s lap for one second, then think twice! If you are the person on whom your kiddo has a very tight grip, then by all means, have Daddy bring the kiddo to the session, or when you get here, you go make yourself scarce.
For Adults
FOURTEEN | Spray tanning, while it is a healthier alternative to UV beds, can lead to orangy skin, particularly noticeable around the hands. If it’s important to you to have a bronze tone to your skin, use only the best professionals. (Baby Belly Spa, located in Hamburg Pavilion, offers this organic service for preggo mommas!)
You DON’T necessarily need to reschedule for these reasons:
Bruises, cuts, and scrapes. They’re all case-by-case, but in many cases I can very easily retouch these blemishes. Please shoot me a picture of your little soldier’s battle wound and I’ll let you know if you should wait for it to heal, or if it’s in a spot that can be easily fixed.
Your newborn’s umbilical cord hasn’t fallen off. Not to worry. Most haven’t within 2 weeks. Posing covers that up!