Category Archives: family

Are really gorgeous family photos as elusive as you think?

Everyone wants beautiful photographs of their young family. But so many parents resign themselves to believing it’s basically impossible.  So, they do one of two things.  They don’t schedule sessions with a professional photographer at all, and settle for yearly school pictures.  Or, they look for the cheapest route they can find thinking it’s low…

Pressure is OFF | Session Guarantee

Common question people think, but don’t actually ask…  “Does my photographer offer any kind of session guarantee?” Babies and children are precarious little things, aren’t they?  Newborns are completely baffling at times, babies can have unpredictable moods, and toddlers… oh dear. Looking ahead to children, tweens, teens, young adults… when do the temperatures actually level…

PARENTS: 14 tips for Baby and Child sessions

It’s not likely that with no thought, and no preparation, you’ll stroll on over to my studio and stumble yourself into a fantastic session.  Of course not.  You plan outfits, you plan the day,  but there is a lot more YOU can do before and during the session to help it be successful.  Some tips…

Baby sessions – newborn, 4, 7, and 12 months

A baby’s first year of life is a time of remarkable change. It’s no secret.  Today my second daughter, Nora turns 10 months old.  I remember her as a tiny helpless infant who slept the day away and didn’t really interact at all, to now, my baby’s whole face lights up when our eyes meet. …

what to wear

Let’s do better than ‘white shirts an jeans’… Lots of moms struggle with this daunting question of what to wear for family pictures.  I hate that this is topic can feel burdensome.  I want to help. Photography is largely about flattery, and showing our best.  That’s why we own hairbrushes, makeup, and irons.  It’s the…