Category Archives: Newborns

newborn session experience

First, you booked the newborn session. And you have planned for it… props, outfits, hats, and bows. Most importantly you delivered your tiny baby into this world. 😀 Now its the big day when we make “real” photographs of this fresh little person who completely stole your heart. What you can expect the day of…

So you are looking for a Newborn Photographer in Lexington… 6 things you need to consider when you’re still pregnant.     1.  Newborn Photographers vary drastically in ability and professionally… You probably find out about photographers a bunch of different ways…  Friends, Facebook, a Google search, or you might have even seen newborn images…

Twin Newborns

When I get calls from expectant mothers of twins, they almost all share the same concern… “Isn’t it going to be hard to get TWO babies to sleep at the same time!?” Each time I get to relieve some anxiety… Two babies isn’t much harder than one!  And in many cases, they’ve been easier! A…