Yay! you have your digital files! I hope you love them!
By the time you are reading this, I will have sent you a link on Dropbox where you can download and keep your digital files on your own devices.
If you need help downloading your digital images, look here for instructions. You should definitely download all your images to a computer, ideally. If you load them to your smart phone, the high res files may take up too much room in your phone.
Next you may like to know where to print your images!
I recommend MPIX.COM 
MPIX is the fierce “little sister” of my pro lab, Millers. It’s my understanding that Millers owns and operates MPIX. They have common and unique products that are of professional quality and excellent customer service to boot!
I do not recommend quick and cheap.
So often when clients go to places with “Wal” in the name, as well as their counterparts, I hear reports time and time again that it’s a waste of money. Poor quality etc.
Confession time: I did use one of them once. I can’t remember the exact circumstance, just that I needed a couple prints ASAP, and I didn’t even have time for next-day shipping. I used one of those instant-print kiosk things inside the store. My user experience way terrible, but I overlooked it because I told myself its just not what I was used to. Then came the prints. UGH! I was KICKING MYSELF for forgetting to order from my own lab! The paper may as well have been tissue paper, and the image itself was oddly digital-looking and somehow not color-balanced anymore. I concluded there could have been some preset the computer thought would “help” the images that I didn’t know how to turn off. Well, lesson learned. NEVER AGAIN. The reports were fair. It was a waste of money.
I’m still happy to help.
Some clients still really like the experience and professional products that come when I still do the ordering. Especially with large, wall prints, canvases, metals, and other specialty decor. Clients are always welcome to still order those through me no matter if you have the digital copies or not. MPIX doesn’t offer every single product that my pro lab does, so feel free to shoot me an email or give me a call if you want to find the perfect thing for your home. I’m eager to help!