The light table is one of the coolest things I get to shoot on. It is what it sounds like – a table that lights up. I can use my light table with babies who are pushing up like a pro (usually 3-5 months old), and babies who can sit up (usually 6-8 months). The table offers me a unique, beautiful way to light baby’s eyes.
I can be a bit of a minimalist when it comes to props, although I do have some crazy exceptions, so my favorite way to to photograph babies on the light table is baby in their birthday suit! I love the simplicity of the images when the baby isn’t all deck out in a fancy wardrobe. … but then again!… I’ve also shot the ‘decked out’ version and it’s pretty cute too! As always, mom and dad get to decide!
My light table requires a tad bit of set up, so let me know you want to use this and I’ll have it ready to go!